Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Inspiration

A project completed recently; birthday present for my good friend Inno.

Send me a message via My Etsy Shop if you’d like something custom made based on these pieces!

The first piece I called “The White Rabbit”. It is made of glass beads and seed beads, sterling silver and quartz.

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The second and my favorite of the two I called “The Red Queen”. It is made of glass seed beads, sterling silver, plastic. I really enjoyed collecting every piece; the cheshire cat holding everything together at the close, the mushroom and teapot, the tea cup, watch gear, the little hearts, the key, and flowers and finally the “off with her head”: queen, with a makeshift little black and gold crown, made with a bicone and upside down bead cap.

The funnest parts were to partially paint some of the white roses red! I created a little heart card with peyote stitch.

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Maybe soon I’ll attempt a little “drink me” bottle necklace!